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Hush Air Heating & Air Conditioning Blog

Why DIY Water Heater Repairs in Moreno Valley, CA, Are Bad

Need Water Heater Repairs

When your water heater breaks down, you may decide to repair it, hoping to complete the job quickly and save a few dollars. However, there are too many risks associated with a DIY water heater repair. Before you pull out the toolbox, consider these dangers of attempting DIY water heater repairs in Moreno Valley, CA:

You May Create New Problems

Plumbers have access to training and tools that allow them to diagnose and repair various types of water heater issues. Without these resources, you’re much more likely to create new problems while attempting your own water heater repairs. Not only does this lead to the need for additional repairs, but you’ll also diminish your water heater’s efficiency.

It’s Not Safe

There’s simply no amount of financial savings that’s worth jeopardizing your safety and the safety of your family. Whether your water heater relies on electricity or gas, it’s not safe for you to try to perform your own repairs. You run the risk of electrocuting yourself, causing a hazardous gas leak in your home or creating the right environment for an electrical fire.

You’ll Void Your Warranty

You’ll make your warranty invalid if you decide to work on your water heater rather than seek professional help from a certified water heater services provider. This means that the water heater manufacturer won’t take care of repair or replacement needs that may arise from your DIY activities, leaving you financially responsible for any future repairs or replacement parts.

Instead of putting your household in harm’s way and risking damaging your water heater, allow a certified comfort advisor to repair your water heater. Our team of plumbers have years of experience and the right tools, and they undergo ongoing training to make sure that they’re ready to meet all your plumbing needs. Contact Hush Air Heating & Air Conditioning for professional water heater and HVAC services.

Image provided by iStock

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